Are not they careless of this duty, [that is, looking unto Jesus]. O their excursions from God! Sad dejections of Spirit! Inordinate affections of the world! And in the meanwhile, O the neglect of this gospel-ordinance even amongst saints themselves! I know not whether through lack of skill, or through lack of will, but sure I am this duty lies dormant, neglected of most of the people of God...
"I write unto you," saith the apostle "to stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance," (2 Peter 3:1). It is in the original Greek, "to awaken your pure minds," and it was but need. See how David calls upon himself, "Awake, my glory!" (Psalm 57:8). And see how Deborah calls upon herself, "Awake, awake, Deborah, awake, awake, utter a song," (Judges 5:12). Awaking, is a word that imparts rousing, as birds that provoke their young ones by flight, to make use of their wings.
Now, how few are there, that thus call upon themselves? It was the prophet's complaint, "No man stirs up himself to take hold of God," (Isaiah 64:7). O what a shame is this! Is it fit that our understandings, which God has entrusted us with, should be no more improved? Is it fit, that our minds (those golden cabinets, which God has given us to be filled with heavenly treasure) should either be empty, or stuffed with vanity, nothing, worse than nothing? O! that such glorious creatures as our souls, should lacquey after every creature, which should be an attendant upon Christ, which should be like angels, waiting and standing in the presence of our God! O that such glorious things as our immortal spirits, should run after vanity, and so become vain; which if rightly improved, should wake with angels, should lodge themselves in the bosom of the glorious God! Do we not see, how Christ is sending out to us continually? The thoughts of his heart are love, eternal love; and shall not we send out our thoughts towards him? Shall not we let our minds run out towards him?