"So light will shine on your ways."
— Job 22:28
"The light shall shine upon thy ways,"
His voice to thee hath spoken,
Then rest upon His faithfulness,
Whose word cannot be broken.
"The light shall shine upon thy ways,"
What though the mists hang o'er thee?
Be not dismayed, thy Lord hath said,
Lo, "I will go before thee."
"The light shall shine upon thy ways,"
The end from the beginning
Is seen by Him, whose word is pledged
To guard thy soul from sinning
He will not suffer thee to miss
The pathway of His choosing,
Nor let thee fail to know His will,
If self-will still refusing.
Though darkness still enshroud thy soul
And thou should'st seem forsaken,
Look upward, for the King of kings
Thy cause hath undertaken.
And He is glorified when faith
Can trust Him in her blindness,
And soon thy lips with praise will fill
For all His loving kindness.
Look upward, for the morn shall break,
And light to thee be given,
Light for each step that thou must take
Up to the gates of Heaven.