My Prayer
"That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death"
—Philippians 3:10
That I may know Him, "—Father grant the longing
That burns within me as a quenchless fire;
For in these words what wondrous depths lie hidden,
Embracing all I need or can desire.
"That I may know Him"—this is life eternal,
Not to possess a gift apart from One
Who is the Fount from which all true life springeth,
And Whom to know is Heaven on earth begun.
"That I may know Him," —not in name or theory,
This brings no power to stand amid earth's strife,
Nay; I would know Him as the living Saviour,
The very strength and centre of my life.
"That I may know Him," in His resurrection,
Triumphant over sin and Satan's power;
May know Him as He ever intercedeth,
Upholding thus His saints through each dark hour.
"That I may know Him,"—Lord, I would not shun it,
The drinking of that cup He drank for me,
The sacred fellowship with Him in suffering,
The dark night-vigil in Gethsemane.
For they who share His sufferings, share His glory;
To them His purposes of love are shown
They are entrusted with His sacred service ;
They "reign in life " with Him upon His throne .
That I may know Him"—nothing less I covet,
Nought else can ever meet my soul's deep need;
One glimpse of what He is in all His beauty,
From lesser seeking hath my spirit freed.
"That I may know Him," Lord, I wait before Thee,
Grant the petition of my heart, I pray;
Until the day dawn, " and in all His glory,
I know Him as He knoweth me for aye.
"That I may know Him,"—lo, His answer falleth,
I hear His promise "Thou shalt know the Lord"
Rejoicing now I rest my soul upon it,
For never will my Lord deny His word.