Lead Me in the Way Everlasting
A few days ago we were washing some dirty socks that were stained in mud. Since they were really dirty we wanted to first wash them outside before putting them in the washing machine. We put them in a basin of water and squeezed them, and quickly the water became dark brown. We poured out the water and filled the basin again, and repeated the process of squeezing the socks. The water again quickly became brown. We repeated this process maybe 9 times. It was surprising the number of times we had to pour out the dirty water and repeat the process of squeezing the socks. Eventually though the water started to look a little bit more pure.
This seems to be a good analogy to the work of cleansing that the Lord Jesus is doing in our life. As followers of Jesus there is within us an old nature that isn’t pleasing to God. We have sinful thoughts, thoughts of selfishness and wickedness. And the Lord intends to cleanse us of these things and to fashion us into His own image. This work of cleansing isn’t something that just happens once, but it is a continual process that happens over the course of our life. The process of cleaning the socks wasn’t instantaneous. In the same way the process of sanctification that the Lord is doing in our lives isn’t something that happens in an instant.
Conformed to His Image
The Lord will do this work of cleansing us, for it is something that He deeply cares about. In Romans 8:29 it says, “For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.” It is truly incredible that the living God and Creator of life has predestined us to be conformed to the image of His son. God has appointed it that we who were previously living a life of sin in separation from God would be transformed into the image of His own Son, who was well pleasing to the Father (Matthew 17:5).
We might then ask, how does our Father do this work of purification in our lives? The Bible verse that comes right before verse 29 gives us a clue. It says, “and we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” The good that is spoken of here is our transformation. There is no higher good for us than being transformed from something sinful into the image of the Lord Jesus, into something pure and pleasing to God. Praise the Lord that He will do it, and He will accomplish it through the “all things”, the daily affairs of our life.
Over the course of our life there will be times when situations come up that test our patience. There will be situations that uncover the natural selfishness that we have. When these situations come up we can thank God for showing us more of the depth of our sin, and we can ask Him to come into those places in our heart and bring transformation. If you have a dirty closet, simply closing the door and hiding the mess away will not fix the problem or cause the closet to become clean. You will need to open the door to the closet, take things out, and put them in order. This is like the work that God does in our life. He opens the door to hidden places in our life and uncovers this mess that is within. And when that mess is uncovered, by His grace, healing can happen and the transformation of our soul can take place.
Let us join King David in praying that God would search our hearts, and lead us in the way everlasting.
Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting.
Our Father cares for us dearly and desires to accomplish this work in our lives. A good earthly father cares deeply for his children and would do all he can to help them and lead them. How much more would the Heavenly Father, who is altogether perfect and loving, extend His grace and care to His children? Let us contemplate the deep love the Father has for us, and trust that His dealings in our life are dealt out of tender love for us.
My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, Nor detest His correction; For whom the Lord loves He corrects, Just as a father the son in whom he delights.