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Come To Me... Learn from Me

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.
Matthew 11:28-30

Come to Me

Jesus Christ tells us to come to Him. What He offers us is so much more than a religion or a list of rules. This is a real and living relationship with Jesus that we can enter into. Jesus tells us to come to Him, as we are, and He will give us rest. Note that Jesus doesn't first tell us to clean ourselves up and then come to Him. He just says, "come". Would that also be our attitude and experience. He loves us dearly, and earnestly desires that we simply come.

Learn from Me

Jesus also says "learn from Me". How much of our time do we spend coming to Jesus and learning from Him? So often we just go to other individuals or books. It's not a bad thing to seek counsel from others, or to read good books that speak about Jesus, but those are only good to the extent that they bring us to Jesus. Our main desire and goal with everything should be to come to Jesus, to seek Him more, and to gain more of Him. There are so many things that He desires to show us, but if we never come to Him and learn from Him, how will He ever show us them? Let our prayer to the Lord be, "Lord, open my eyes more to see how wonderful You are. I want to learn from You! I want to come to know You more! Show me more of Yourself!"

Take My yoke upon you

Jesus also says "take My yoke upon you". A yoke is a piece of wood that would be placed across the back of two oxen or other animals, so that they would move together in the same direction. Jesus wants us to yoke ourselves to Him. He wants us to be directed by Him. He wants to show us the path of life. Would we determine in our hearts not to go in whatever direction we think is best, but to yield ourselves to Christ, and let Him show us the true way.

Apart from Christ we are helplessly lost. We will wander around in circles, and make no progress in anything that is truly meaningful. Thousands of years ago God brought the Israelites out of Egypt, and was bringing them into the good land (promised land). They would first have to cross through a desert. If they went on a direct course it would have only been a 2 or 3 week journey. However they thought they knew best and chose not to follow after God, and because of that they wandered around in circles in a dry and weary place for 40 years. Would we not make the same mistakes, but recognize that our own sense of direction for our lives is hopeless. Christ alone is the one that shows us the path of life. Lord, how desperately we need You to lead us!

You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
Psalm 16:11