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New Life Lessons

by Andrew Murray

Andrew Murray was born in South Africa in 1828 and lived there most of his life. A faithful servant of God, he has been greatly used by the Lord, not only during his lifetime, but even to this day through the books he has written. Many people of God have been greatly helped by and recommended Murray's books. One of them was Watchman Nee. One of the many books Andrew Murray wrote was this little book of 52 short lessons for new believers in Christ. The lessons are short and simple, yet very important. Whether we are new believers or seasoned believers, these truths need to be engraved in our hearts and minds, not only for ourselves, but also to effectively help others. The lessons are short, but there are many Scripture references for further study. If there is a single verse reference, you can hover over it and the verse will open. If there is a "References" notice in blue, you can click on it and it will open a list of related verse references. Then hover over each reference and the verse will open. May the Good Shepherd give each of His seekers the necessary "portion of food at the proper time". (Luke 12:42). Note: The original 1800's language of these lessons contains some older English words and expressions. Some of the language has been updated, but not throughout all the text.